neuer Artikel erstellt am 18.10.2012-11:27 MX-04M-BGG-5 GF-MAXIMA Blattschraube Gold-Line, inkl. Kapsel für B-Klarinetten Mundstück Böhm
MX-04M-BGG-5 GF-MAXIMA Blattschraube Gold-Line, inkl. Kapsel für B-Klarinetten Mundstück Böhm
MX-04M-BGG-5 GF-MAXIMA Ligature Gold-Line, inclusive capsule for Bb-clarinet mouthpiece Böhm
Fits for Mouthspiece: Passend für Mundstück: Vandoren 11.6, Yamaha 4C, Pomarico, Rico Royal, Zinnner 36, Buffet, Selmer, Dietz, Leitner & Kraus, AW-Reeds, ESM, Vandoren, Meyer, Otto Link, Wurlitzer, Pomarico Glas,
49,80 €   Stück
19% VAT included, plus Delivery
No. MX-04M-BGG-5
Quantity Stück

MX-04M-BGG-5 GF-MAXIMA Ligature Gold-Line, inclusive capsule for F-Bassetthorn/Eb-Alt Clarinet mouthpiece, tape paint gold, print golden, mechanics golden

Fits for mouthpiece: Passend für Mundstück: Vandoren 11.6, Yamaha 4C, Pomarico, Rico Royal, Zinnner 36, Buffet, Selmer, Dietz, Leitner & Kraus, AW-Reeds, ESM, Vandoren, Meyer, Otto Link, Wurlitzer, Pomarico Glas,

Article description: The ligature with reed has, besides the instrument and the mouthpiece, the greatest influence on the sound and the responsiveness of the instrument.The characteristics and special features of the GF MAXIMA ligature are the following:

1. Each ligature is, like a tailor-made suit, customised to fit various mouthpiece types and guarantees in this way an optimal fit as well as the free vibration behaviour of a clarinet or Saxophone reed.

2. In the shipment there are 6 oscillating reels, the oscillating reel 3 with diameter 6mmø is pre-assembledOn changing the oscillating reels e.g. from 6mmø to 4mmø the
GF MAXIMA strap can be lengthened by 12.5 mm. In this way the correct strap length can be adjusted for each mouthpiece.

3. A further advantage is the dual play of the GF MAXIMA ligature: Vertical contact pressure of the reed through a stainless steel contact pressure leaf or the contact pressure through the tried and tested GF System strap. This can be achieved by turning the GF MAXIMA ligature by 180°.

4. The imprinted reticule on the strap makes it easier for the musician to install the reed and the symmetrical fit of the ligature.

5. The ligature can be obtained in Silver Line and Gold Line.We wish you a lot of fun playing music with your GF MAXIMA.
Your GF Team

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